Things About Me and My Journey

After taking a 5 year break from blogging, I’m back and much about my journey has changed!  I decided to leave my previous “about me” info that I put up when I first started this blog, because that stuff is still me….I’ve just grown up and a lot of things have changed in my life!  I am now a Mama to a beautiful 10 month old girl named Amelia, I’m a full time student at University of Washington, Tacoma, and I’m engaged to be married this summer to a man who is one of the kindest and strongest men that I’ve ever known (not to mention a great daddy)!  I don’t run as much as I used to, not because I don’t want to, but because having a baby and being in school full time really changes life and doesn’t leave me much “me” time.  So instead of this blog being mostly about running and food like it was before, it has turned into more of a look into my daily life and the things that I’m experiencing as I learn how to raise my daughter, be a good student, and hopefully a better partner.  I’m also hoping to include posts about meals that I make, especially since Amelia is at the stage now where she’s eating a lot of what we eat, and it’s super fun to make foods that we can all share.  Hope you enjoy, and thanks for supporting my little part of the internet!


About Me (from 2005)

I am a wife, a runner, a student, a personal trainer and a crew member at Trader Joe’s. I began running a year ago (December 2007), and have been addicted to the sport ever since. Every time I go out for a run, I hope to get a little better, go a little farther, and learn a little more about myself inside and out.

I started running after I experienced a major crisis in my life, (the loss of my mom) and it has really helped me learn about my strengths and how to cope with all of my internal demons during such a hard time in my life. I feel that in a sense, running saved my life. I am a full time student working towards a career in naturopathic nutrition science. I am about to graduate from Tacoma Community College with my AAS and will be transfering to Bastyr University, a naturopathic school north of Seattle. My passion is nutrition, and exercise, and I will be doing something related to that for the rest of my life. I have become such a foodie and love to experiment with new recipes. I grew up in a single parent home with a lot of left overs and microwaveable dinners, so I was never really taught how to cook. As an adult and I teaching myself and learning more every day.
I am married to my best friend, and the man of my dreams. We have spent the last 12 years of our lives together. I feel so fortunate to have him in my life and to have what we share.


Well, some things in my life have changed and with that I figured that I should update my “about me” page.  I graduated last June from TCC with my AAS and have decided to take the next year off from school to figure out where I am going to go and just decompress a little from working two jobs and going to school for the past 2 years.  I have since decided that I am not going to be attending Bastyr.  😦 Not because it’s not a good school, but because it’s just too damn far away. I have also decided to study exercise physiology instead of nutrition.  The human body is my passion, and so is helping people get in shape, recover from injuries, and feel better about themselves….so it only seemed fitting to change my major.  I have also left Trader Joe’s and am working full time training at my studio, Dialed In.  I absolutely love it, and couldn’t be happier and more content right now.  (Well, I could…but I don’t have a million dollars, so whatever)  As more life changes come, I will be coming with more updates!  🙂

2 responses

19 05 2009

Why hello! I love to meet people from Seattle, that is where I live too and bastyr is my dream school and my roommate actually goes there, but i will be going to Central WA for my BA in nutrition and food sciences, I have recently started running too. hopefully we can share some stories!

24 09 2009

sorry about your mom ❤ that is awesome you work at TJs! so jealous, we don't have TJs here. i was just in seattle, i would love to live there. you are a lucky girl!

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